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CIR - Criminal Information Repository

Judgement & Commitment Document Management

Effective Document Management

CIR allows courts to create and store Judgement and Commitment and Statement of Reasons (245B), Amended Judgements (245C), and Revocations (245D). CIR replaces the years-old WordPerfect macros formerly used for judgement, amended judgement, and revocation creation.

CIR - User Module

The User Module allows the user to create, edit and store their documents. Judgments are stored and organized by users and judges. Courtroom deputies can access their list of judgements and filter by:

  • Signed & Unsigned Documents

  • Judgement & Amended Judgement

  • Revocation

  • Defendant Name

  • Judgement Date

CIR - Admin Module

The Admin Module allows Administrators to manage User Groups and what users are within each. Additionally, you can edit the conditions and soft language found throughout the User Module and final documents and recover judgments that have been deleted in the User Module.

Features & Benefits

Increase Document Organization - With CIR's flexibility, users can view a comprehensive and interactive list of defendant's documents.


Increase User Flexibility - CIR templates contain soft language and fill-in-the-blanks which can be customized by the user on a document-specific basis. Templates are permanently customizable and maintainable in the Admin Module.


Selective User Access - Documents are organized by Judge and selective access can be given to User Groups. Meaning that the User Administrator can control which documents the Judges, Courtroom Deputies, and Probation Officers can interact with.


User Groups - CIR is tailored for Courtroom Deputies, Judges, Probation Officers, User Administrators and System Administrators.


Produce Judgements for Emailing, Printing, and Archiving - Render judgements as HTML which users can export for printing and distribution. CIR also allows users to produce separate documents of both Judgement and Statement of Reasons.



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Herndon, VA 20170



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