Questionnaire Line
Qualification & Summons Questionnaire Self Service
Offload the Thousands of Calls Your Jury Office Receives
VoiceMetrix's Questionnaire Line takes care of 90% of calls your jury office receives following large questionnaire mailings and routine inquiries after summons mailings. The help line thus frees your staff from numerous hours of in-person calls and voicemails.
A Cloud-Based Application
Hosted on the cloud, Questionnaire Line uses local phone numbers, providing unlimited calling capacity with the additional option of offering a toll-free number. Should you mail tens of thousands or over a hundred thousand questionnaire notices, Questionnaire Line will effortlessly handle any call surge without busy signals.
Questionnaire Line's Features
Print Qualification Questionnaires - Automatically creates daily qualification questionnaires and is formatted to print onto questionnaire stock ready for mailing.
Callback Request Option - Callers can leave their Participant Number and desired call-back number so you can return calls at your convenience.
Paper Questionnaire or Summons Request - Questionnaire Line validates any participant who prefers a paper copy using their Participant Number. Jury staff can print or export a report of request to an Excel spreadsheet for your mailing vendor.
Reports - Generate bar-coded reports of all request and activity.
Analytics - Updated charts that detail Questionnaire Line's effectiveness.
FAQs - Customized to your most frequently asked questions and answers.
Transfers - To Jury office or voicemail if desired.